Saturday, November 12, 2005

I advise against poetic meshing ~ it leads to sad messes, pathetic attempts at that new ~chaos theory~

OOOHHH BBEEAAAUUTTIIFFULLL for SPPAAAYYYYY-shus skies.....all righty then, boys and girls, old ladies and pandering males of all ages ~ GUESS WHATTTTT???? Oh HALLL-AAAYYYYY- LOOOOOO- YAh! The fall carnival is over, the fall carnival is over, weee-haa! Yayyyy RAH! Go ME! And my fundraising chair! Especially her! she ROCKETH, my friends, she truly ROCKETH!! WWWAAHOOOOOOOOOO! All right ~ well, wow-ee-ka-zow-eee ~ cuz yah see, THAT was a MAJOR deal, and now it is OVER. We had a HUGE turn-out, and made thousands of dinero's y peso's me amigos! Which is TRES BON, tre bon! AND, we got coverage on our local tv channel AND newspaper!! YEAAAHHHHHHH! PTO lives again ~

Ok, so, there resides in all of us a touch of suburbia, and lo & behold, it hath reared it's mundane head, roared it's mighty roar, and consumed it's pithy members. Now the only major events left of this year is our Scholastic Book Fair and the Dec. Teacher Appreciation Dinner. And I love the book fair ~ I get to pick out my favorite books, and dress up and go read them to the kids with ~accents~.
This may just call for a pithy, mundane suburbia-ish haiku... I seem to be haiku-ing a lot lately. Perhaps a limeric. Perhaps a haiku-ish limeric, or a limeric-ish haiku...

Here, the PTO,
Asking for your money-O
Hand out-stretch'd for-e'er.

Begging Happily,
Adding funds to school coffers
Taking all offers.

Happy are we-O
Off to the school we go-O
Singing Merrily.

The Staff loves us So,
We bring them donuts-O-O
This Haiku sucketh!

Ok, so, maybe that's why poets of old never bothered to mesh those two styles. I can see it was an utter fiasco. However, I must leave these sad examples here for future poets who may have similar dis-illusioned plans of mesh-ment.
Don't do it, I say, don't be tempted by the dark side of chaos poetry. It's all a bitter LIE.. ALAS, there must be SOME rules, or you TOO will end up with poopy for poetry. (check out that illiteration, I may be tempted that way as well some day)
Ah me, ah me.


  1. Your sister blogger, Lindy, put up a list of her 10 favourite books. I was astonished it did not include How to fart like a lady.

  2. Chaos poetry involves hyphen o?
    Most amusing nonetheless.

  3. Mr. T ~ indeed it does-O!

    And yes GB, I saw my dear sister Lindy's list, and I was tempted to add far more than one. Reference books to say gardening techniques, cloth-making, and a good dictionary or two would also be high on the list.

  4. thanks for dropping by! will come back again :)

    Lick your lips if you are feeling sexy today - RHSP

  5. Reference books are all well and fine and yes, fundamental, but if you had to choose a book to be your IDENTITY, would you really choose a dictionary or fart jokes?! Me, I'd rather it be a sweeping story... guess I'm a bit of a romantic that way... sshhh don't tell anyone!
