Saturday, April 22, 2006


Well, so i've been largely unavailable this last little bit. Ridiculously so, in fact. HOWEVER, all in a good cause. My dear SWEET sister just gave birth to the CUTEST little boy ever, (it's all relative, my kids are cuter, but not by much, ;-D), let's see, vitals are 8 lbs, 2 oz., 19 1/2" long, and with some seroious vitality. He really is SOOO cute, here is a pic of him.

At any rate, since she had to have a c-section, I have been in Utah, helping her out. Thus, I have been away from my computer. That always rips, as I finally got on line today, and realized I had about a bazillion emails to sort through, and etc....

At any rate, since I am on her laptop, and its about out of power, I will have to make this a quicky, just thought I had best let all know that indeed, I am still alive and kicking, lol.

Here is is his picture, you can see why I have been off helping her out ~ ;-D ~ And actually, she helped me out when each of my children were born, so you know.. it's a grand excuse to get to go play for a month......


  1. Congratulation on becoming an Aunty, Ms Red. He looks very alert for a new born babe in the second picture. The Red family is truly awash with those blessed fertility genes.

  2. As it's a boy, does that make you an uncle?

    Congratulations to you and your sister, and your brother-in-law too (I guess they were married if they live in Utah)

  3. aaaaaaaaaaaw (Mrs Dr Mc told me to say that)

  4. Congrats Red! Him am really good looking little hatchling. He got a good looking head! But then, that am one of the pluses with c-section... little tike no gotta go through that playdough fun-factory of life!

  5. GB ~ Indeed we are at that! ( the term "fertile myrtle" comes to mind..) and yes, they are so very married. :-D

    Kim ~ thank you, and no, technically I think I'll still claim aunty status :-P

    Dr J ~ Tell your wife thaaaannnkkksssss :-D ( he IISS cute, isn't he??... not that I'm biased or anything, :-D)

    Monstee ~ hehehehe, that AM the ONLY good thing about c-section, however, one must admit, it's a pretty admirable one, afterall, if women are willing to go through plastic surgery in order to improve their own looks, I suppose it isn't too far off the mark to suppose a mother or two has scheduled a c-section for the sake of her kid's beauty. And lets face it, that playdough factory pushes things out preeeettyyyyy darrnnn hard. :-D

  6. What a beautiful child!
    My daughter (now almost 5 years old) was born C-section.
    My wife personally wants another C-section, as the recovery was fairly quick, the scar was hidden within her magic garden, and certain areas were spared from a bit of trauma.
