Friday, August 31, 2007

Chip mining ~ Geology at it's yummiest ~

Well today, I am blogging on the geology exercise we did. We actually did it the same day we did the gushy diaper crystals, but I wanted to drag it out so my blogs would be more fulfilling ~ ;-D ~ (I feel so fulfilled!)
All right, enough levity. This school stuff is SERIOUS BUSINESS! Well, ok, so it's not THAT serious, it's also fun ~ but GB ~ this is sorta just for you ~ We honestly did learn pertinent info to each child's grade specs ~ ;-D ~ but honestly, I am not a serious blogger, you know that. Well heck, ANYone who reads this blog knows that. I don't mind teaching it to the kids, but I just really don't want to recant it all on my blog ~ this is MY playground ~ ;-D
So, all that serious shhhhh-tufff aside ~ this is what we did for our intro to geology ~

Enter chocolate chip cookie mining!

The rules: Each whole chip is worth $500, each partial chip is worth $100, and for every piece of cookie left that is larger than a pencil lead, you get FINED $100.
The tools: Only a pair of double-tined toothpicks & a paper plate.
The time: Only 20 minutes, for every minute AFTER 20, you get fined $100.

It's a lot harder than you might think!

Ahhh, check out the messy table!! One thing I have to say, Learning is MESSY!!
AND, check out the winner ~ she made over $7,600 with her cookie. Of course, she was also the passer-outer of cookies, so, uuhhm , she may well have stacked the deck.
And what did they learn? About how mining resources can cause damage to the earth, the value of recycling, why minerals cost what they do, how difficult it is to reconstruct area that has been mined, how to pop chocolate chips & cram cookies; you know, the important things.


  1. Why minerals cost what they do. That's a fascinating question, isn't it? More to do with economics than geology. I wish I was in your class, Ms Red. I bet I'd learn a lot!

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Very cool :)

  3. GB~ yes, I know, a bit off subject, it's true ~ however, they started to ask about diamonds, and coal, and such, & I couldn't leave it alone. Blood diamonds, as well as other gems that are mined at the expense of lives makes me sick, especially when so much controversy surrounds them. Obviously the miners in Sierra Leone aren't making much off of their life-threatening work; many miners are kept at it through threats on their family, maiming, death, etc. And the inflated cost at the end of the line, to the consumer, is astronomical. So much fuss over such silly little baubles ~ I personally refuse to wear any real diamonds.

    You gorillas in Africa know first hand the situations surrounding these gems, I am sure.

  4. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I could not believe it after I watched the movie Blood Diamond. I had no idea!

    Well, luckily the only diamond I wear is recycled ;)

    My ring was Kevin's grandma's and is about 65 years old :)
