Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Carnival of Homeschooling

Today I would like to promote the Carnival of Homeschooling ~ The Cate's have put together a fantastic montage of information for anyone interested in homeschool.

There is a bastion of knowledge in these collective blogs, I highly reccomend a thorough browsing.


  1. You have some great ideas for homeschooling! My boys always learn more with any hands on learning I can come up. Although I do use seat work for Math and language I do try and make the rest fun while they learn. I love field trips and try and do one as often as possible. I love your idea of pioneer days. I might look into a unit study on that as well..thanx for the idea:)

  2. Tracy ~
    Thank you!! I am so glad that some of these ideas can help out someone else! I too love to do hands-on, I just think they learn far more, or maybe they just retain far more ~ either, it's more fun!
