Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's PUMPKIN CARVING time again!

Well, Wood Genius has struck again! This time, he was commissioned to carve a pumpkin in the theme of The Phantom of the Opera.
I have to apologize for the pics, because apparently my camera goes a little fuzzy without proper lighting, but I could'n't get the full effects without turning out the lights... hence.. a slightly fuzzy pic. Hmm... I think that's grounds for a new camera... hehehehe.
Here is what it looks like with the light on:

Here is what it looks like with the lights out:

Left side


Right Side

Close up of the words


  1. That is just so cool!

  2. Thanks!!! Now I am wishing he would carve one for me ~ maybe a giant CHICKEN ~ ;-D (Can chickens look sorta scary?)

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I love it! And yes, a scary chicken would be cool. As a (possibly irrelevant) aside -- I saw a kid in a Halloween costume dressed as a rubber chicken. They used yellow dishwashing gloves for the feet : )

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    That's just cool!
